Symmetric currently has 960+ attributes available to enrich your data, including standard descriptions, manufacturer name and catalog, UNSPSC, GTIN, HCPCS and GMDN codes, materials flags and vendor information.
We have two standard description formats: A supply chain friendly and clinician friendly description in numerous character length formats to fit your ERP system. We group items by generic name (Noun + Primary Adjective) and parse attributes from our data set that are relevant to the item’s generic name, including sizes, brands, qualitative attributes such as color and material, and packaging / usage flags like sterility and single use / reusable flags.
Yes - we have over 3 Million verified substitutes. They’re verified from direct clinician input, FDA’s supplies mappings, NHS’ clinically verified substitutes, and manufacturer/distributor websites.
We have partnerships with cloud-based ERPs, like Infor, Oracle, and Workday. We also connect with on-premises systems, like Lawson, PeopleSoft, and Meditech.
Our Infor and Oracle integrations allows users to push enriched item/contract data from Symmetric to the ERP system for bulk item adds.
We are in the development stage with Workday. Please contact your representative for information on the status of this integration. -
We receive item master files via SFTP flat file feed, API integration or direct uploads into/downloads from the database.
No worries! We’ll be able to send and receive information through flat file feeds, a secure transfer mechanism, and you’ll be able to access data from the Symmetric web application.
Implementation typically takes 6-10 weeks and includes user account setup and training, item maser matching, report review, and data feed setup of your item master to Symmetric.
We receive item master files via SFTP feed, API integration or direct uploads into/downloads from the database.
You’ll receive access immediately upon contract signature. Once an agreement is in place, we are happy to schedule a kick-off, provision user access, train users and begin improving match rates for your item set.
Case Studies
Case Study: An academic medical center identifies $2 million in supply chain savings by using Symmetric.
Read more here > -
Case Study: Preparing a Hospital’s Item Master to implement both a Cloud-Based ERP and Inventory Point-of-Use System.
Case Study: SVS VQI Strengthens Device Data Integrity for Vascular Surgery Reporting.
Yes - we are able to load an unlimited amount of contract lines for you and, with your purchase orders and item master, merge duplicates, add in missing items, optimize spend, and standardize to singular manufacturers. We’re also able to communicate bi-directionally on this.
To integrate with a chargemaster, we can send a flat file of HCPCS information to be loaded into the chargemaster system.
By connecting your item master, contracts, and purchase orders, we can entirely optimize your bottom line. We have many spend analyses and reports we run, including standardization opportunities, HCPCS auditing, Unit of Measure optimization, overspend, and more.
Data Sources
We source data from over 200 global sources and silos, including regulatory entities such as the FDA, as well as other regulatory entities worldwide. We are also directly scraping information from manufacturer and distributor websites to ensure that we have the most updated content from them at any given time. We also have a feedback button for you to submit feedback and improve the quality of our data. Our data is the largest aggregation of publicly available device information, obtained directly from manufacturers as much as possible. Additionally, we link to standards organizations to ensure that we have the most up-to-date data, such as the latest UNSPSC dictionary.
We capture all UDI-DIs including the various GS1 formats (UPC 12 & GTIN14), HIBCC UPN, and ICCBBA PPIC . We store the most up to date UDI-DIs as well as all historical UDI-DIs to assist with matching. We’re on UNSPSC v26 and provide all previous versions, back to v10.
Of course! We’re in the process of pursuing various RAMPs and SOC2. We’re always happy to flex and meet the needs of our partners by filling out questionnaires and data assessments.